Different analytical and knowledge resources on PPPs in the region categorized in the following thematic areas:
1 Regulation and Governance
Click here to access analysis and best practices in Regulation and Governance of infrastructure development and PPPs
2 Sustainable Project Preparation
Click here to access analysis and best practices in Sustainable Project Preparation
3 Sustainable Project Financing
Click here to access analysis and best practices in Sustainable Project Financing
4 Risk Management and Monitoring
Click here to access analysis and best practices in Risk Management and Monitoring in the development of infrastructure and PPPs
5 Evaluation, Performance, and Impact
Click here to access analytical work on Evaluation, Performance, and Impact on Infrastructure and PPPs Development
6 Case Studies, Sectorial and Market Studies
Click here to access Case Studies, Sectorial and Market Studies in infrastructure development and PPPs
7 Infrastructure Economics and Policy
Click here to access analytical material on Infrastructure Economics and Policy